I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to live in a region that is as spectacularly beautiful as the Maine coast. I never cease to be amazed by the pristine environment that quite literally meets the eye in every direction. It is no accident that mid-coastal Maine is home to the most frequently visited national park in the country.

We live on Schoodic Peninsula – one of the first settled regions of the Maine coast. Our now placid community was once a bee hive of small business activity surrounding the bustling country store that is now our home and shop.

Our village of West Gouldsboro is located very near Route One which winds it way from Key West to Calais as it traces the east Canadian coast. Sailing ships moving up the Maine coast from New York and Boston were heading “Down east” as they sailed up – or in this manner of speech – down the prevailing coastal winds. We are 20 minutes Down east of the mid-coast city of Ellsworth – 5 hours drive from Boston – 3 from Portland and an hour from the ambitiously named Bangor International Airport.

I am continually amazed that nothing in this small village has substantially changed over the thirty five years of my residence. Certainly – whole families have died and been born but the character and size of the community are essentially the same. The pace of life is genuinely peaceful and I find that I am quite grateful to have somehow stumbled into this very pleasant and comfortable circumstance.

A section of Acadia National Park – Schoodic peninsula – lies just a few miles from our sales and production studio. Calling the Maine coast spectacularly beautiful is a profound understatement. The pristine nature of this coastal region is the principle reason I moved to Maine from my home state of Texas.
— Dan Weaver